Assignment #108
Listen to Podcasts Faster
This is a slick trick. So there’s this hour podcast you’ve downloaded but you haven’t got an hour to listen. Open it with the Quick Time Player (Right click – OPEN WITH…) In Quick Time go to WINDOW – SHOW A/V CONTROLS and then play with the playback speed. You’ll notice that you can speed up the podcast (or song for that matter) and the pitch doesn’t change – cool.
Also Amber sends her love from Aviano with a comment on Monday’s Assignment:
Ciao R.A.
Another of my favorite photo share sites is -- Great for
picture blogging. Limited to 75 uploads a week with the free account,
and I don't know the exact size of the per file as I still have dial up
at home and tend to shrink my photos to a 50K or less for uploading
purposes. However it's not accessible from a .mil computer or at least
USAFE's firewall doesn't let it though.